Post by martinh on Dec 17, 2007 15:46:04 GMT 1
Hello, does anyone have any photos of Beckenham Halt railway station?. It was situated just south of New Beckenham station and was only demolished about three years ago. I know it became a private dwelling but you could still make out it's gothic features,typical of 1860's raliway architecture. I was surprised there was no public outcry because it should have been listed.
Post by lauriemack on Mar 3, 2008 20:48:34 GMT 1
It was the station house of New Beckenham station when the line was first built. The present New Beckenham station, north of the junction, replaced it; if I can find the date I'll come back with it. Found what I was looking for. The line from Lower Sydenham via New Beckenham to Beck Junc was opened in 1857; there was no station at New Beckenham. When the line to Addiscombe was opened in 1864, (I'm now quoting a Middleton Press book on this) " a station was provided north of Bridge Road.............it probably had four platforms but was unsatisfactory operationally. The present station (north of the junction) was opened in 1866 and rebuilt in 1904." A plan in the book shows the original station house site - ie the one latterly demolished.
Post by martinh on Mar 9, 2008 21:35:56 GMT 1
Thanks Lauriemack, I was beginning to think I was the only one on the planet! I hope the forum takes off as there are plenty of interesting topics to discuss and discover regarding history and architecture in the Beckenham/ Penge areas. Have you lived in the area all your life?